Aurees Git Client is a free app for Git users on Mac, Windows, and Linux that aims to speed up your workflow by providing you with a simple but powerful application for managing all your Git projects using a GUI. Tower is a native Git client for Mac and Windows.
SmartGit is free to use for non-commercial projects and charges for licenses starting at $99/year all the way to a single lifetime fee of $229 with varying costs depending on the duration of the support you choose. It aims to make you a productive Git user by providing you with an intuitive UI, task tracking, a built-in code editor, merge conflict editor, support for integration with other platforms, etc. You can browse your repository history and view a nicely arranged diff of any revision. Visit this supporting repository here: mac-frameworks. Keep an eye on your projects with the ability to view everything from pull requests to commenting on individual file diffs in the latest changeset. If you have Homebrew installed and your Terminal open on Mac, you’re ready to start trying out these Homebrew apps. List of awesome open source applications for macOS.